About Me

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A Leo. Others perceive me as arrogant, pompous, aggressive, dominating, disparaging, unforgiving, demanding, impatient, obnoxious, loud and uncouth, intimidating, poor listener, generous, kind, intelligent, and open. Agree with the attributes as perceived by other. See or portray myself as original, flexible, skeptical, philosophical, logical, rational, analytical, interesting, hardworking, knowledgeable, keen learner, mischievous, worldly wise. Self aware of short coming and trying to change. Progress slow.


It is Simple.

It is Simple.

Investing isn’t rocket science. Anyone can learn to do it. Investing shouldn’t be complex.

It’s easy to talk about investing using jargon and complex calculations. All of this, however, can be put in terms that are simple to understand.

Managing your own money is much simpler than most people think it is. It's complicated because the financial industry wants it that way. If managing your own money weren't complicated, brokerage and financial firms would go out of business. And they can sell you exotic products which you are unable to understand.

So don't ask mutual fund managers or brokers about managing money - it's like asking the barber whether or not you need a haircut.

Shop for stocks and bonds like when women and maybe men generally do, buy:

a. during sales time
b. branded, quality goods (that last a longer time).

But not buy for the sake of buying ...

Buy only goods that are useful and of good quality and that you really like or need.

Shop around, take your time to find the best bargains. Check like you are buying a new car.

Do not buy on credit unless you can settled it in full when due.