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A Leo. Others perceive me as arrogant, pompous, aggressive, dominating, disparaging, unforgiving, demanding, impatient, obnoxious, loud and uncouth, intimidating, poor listener, generous, kind, intelligent, and open. Agree with the attributes as perceived by other. See or portray myself as original, flexible, skeptical, philosophical, logical, rational, analytical, interesting, hardworking, knowledgeable, keen learner, mischievous, worldly wise. Self aware of short coming and trying to change. Progress slow.


Investor Personality Test

Came across this article by Zweig and take the test.  Results with detail explanations are provided almost instanteously.  The test is Interesting and according to my self-assessment, quite accurate and reveal aspects that I have put in my subconsciousness.  Indeed, I learned a little more of myself and my investing behavior. 

This test is different from the run of the mill questionaires we are requested by banks to complete in order to purchase certain investment products.  I have completed several perfunctiory questionaires certifing me as a sophisticated investor (in order to purchase equity linked notes), and risk tolerance as required by the Monetary Authority of Singapore from the bank.  I have the feeling of being designated as an oxymoron rather than a sophisticated investor.  More on this issue in future.

Every investor should make an attempt to take this test which is free. 

Investor Take This Test
Jason Zweig. Investor Take This Test;
Total Return
The Wall Street Journal's personal-finance blog
October 18, 2011

 At MarketPsych.com, you can take an “Investor Personality Test” that takes 15 or 20 minutes to fill out and, based on my results, at least, seems to give a fairly accurate picture of what makes you tick.  The test skips all the nonsense about what you think you would do if the Dow crashed or how much you believe you know about the markets.  Instead, it measures five dimensions of personality: agreeableness, extraversion, openness, emotional sensitivity and conscientiousness.  It also measures a variety of secondary traits, including optimism, overconfidence and excitement-seeking.

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